@extends('layouts.website_layout') @section('meta_title', $meta_data->meta_title) @section('meta_description', $meta_data->meta_description) @section('banner_image', "banners/".$banner_data->banner_image) @section('canonical_tag', $meta_data->canonical_tag) @section('content')

Full Refunds

If you don’t like your plant for any reason, we’re happy to take it back to add to our own jungle collection. You have 30 days to decide.

You’ll get your money back but we’ll have to deduct the delivery and pick up fee.

Easy Exchanges

You picked the wrong base? It isn’t working in your room? Feel free to look around store again. You have 30 days to decide.

If you pick something more expensive, you’ll have to pay the diffrence. If it’s cheaper, we’ll credit the amount. But we’ll have to add a small delivery and pick-up fee.
