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First the basics


Don’t mess this up. The right spot is crucial. Each plant’s sunlight needs are different – some love the sun; some dig the shade. Check the sun guide if you’re not sure.


The good news? You get to get your hands dirty. Stick your finger two inches into the soil. If it's moist, leave it alone. If it’s dry, a drink’s in order. Not to be dramatic, but most plants die from overwatering. Water cautiously.

Clean up

A few hours after watering, dry up the area around the cork mat with a sponge. Keep your pot and mat spotlessly clean to avoid mosquito larvae. By the way, mosquitos don’t come with plants – they come with stagnant water. We’ll remind you to use a soft cloth to wipe down the cork mat every couple of weeks with a mix of white vinegar and water (50:50).


Plants are creatures of the outdoors. They don’t like air conditioning. They need heat and humidity and ACs remove both. Place it far away from the direct vent of an AC and give it a break with a few hours of fresh air everyday.


The little bugs that buzz around a plant are usually benign. Things to watch out for are Spider Mites, Mealy Bugs, caterpillars and mosquitos which ca be avoided with proper care. However, if you happen to see an odd earthworm poke his head out of your soil or a cheery Bee buzzing around a flower be happy because your plant is hosting an ecosystem. We're big fans of the super circle of life and encourage you to look at it the same way.

Ugly spots

Small, dark and raised

Deflated stems

Stunted foliage and yellowing leaves

Yellow tips

Thats turn brown

Webby Patches

White blotches on stems & leaves

Lime green bugs

On stems and leaves

Fuzzy white bugs

On stems and leaves

Bacterial infection Root rot Anthranose Spider mite Aphids Mealy bugs
Ugly spots
Small, dark and raised
Deflated stems
Stunted foliage and yellowing leaves
Yellow tips
Thats turn brown
Ugly Spots
Small, dark and raised
Fuzzy white bugs
White blotches on stems & leaves
Lime green bugs
On stems and leaves
Water less frequently. Air out your room. Spray fungicide Reduce water supply. Let the soil dry out. Check on drainage Water less frequently. Reduced water supply. Check on drainage Spray Neem oil. Pro Tips: Pesticide doesen't work as well. Wipe stems and leaves with soapy water Remove manually Spray insectide -- once a week for three months