@extends('layouts.admin_layout') @section('title', 'Edit Attribute') @section('content') Edit Attribute Home Manage Attributes Edit Attribute Edit Attribute @csrf Attribute Name* Listing Filter? Yes listing_filter)) selected @endif>No Details Filter? Yes details_filter)) selected @endif>No Status Active display_status)) selected @endif>Inactive Attribute Value @php $i = 0; @endphp @foreach($attribute_values as $attribute_value_row) Value (S, M, Black, etc) Value Alias (Multiple alias separated by one comma and one space) id, $attribute_value_aliases_array)) value="{{implode(', ', $attribute_value_aliases_array[$attribute_value_row->id])}}" @endif required> @if(!empty($i)) Delete @endif @php $i++; @endphp @endforeach Add Value Value (S, M, Black, etc) Value Alias (Multiple alias separated by one comma and one space) Delete @endsection