@extends('layouts.admin_layout') @section('title', 'Add Variant - '.$product->product_name) @section('content') Add Variant - {{$product->product_name}} Home Manage Products Manage Variants Add Variant - {{$product->product_name}} Add Variant - {{$product->product_name}} @csrf @foreach($attribute_list as $attribute_row) {{$attribute_row->attribute_name}} Value (For example, M, Black, etc) Select Value @if(array_key_exists($attribute_row->id, $attribute_value_array)) @foreach($attribute_value_array[$attribute_row->id] as $attribute_value_id => $attribute_value_single_value) {{$attribute_value_single_value}} @endforeach @endif Value Alias (For example, 8x8 Feet, #0000, etc. Can keep the same as original value.) Select Value Alias @endforeach @if($product->product_category_id == 1) Base Select Base @foreach($bases as $base_row) {{$base_row->product_name}} - {{$base_row->attribute_value_data}} @endforeach @endif Price (MRP)* Discount* GST Percent (Included in MRP)* Variant Stock* Variant Purchase Limit* Tags @foreach($product_tags as $product_tag_row) {{$product_tag_row->product_tag_name}} @endforeach Variant Gallery (549 x 825)* Select Image Delete Add New Image Size Guide Content Sections Title Content Add Section HSN Code* Select HSN Code @foreach($hsn_codes as $hsn_code_row) {{$hsn_code_row->hsn_code}} @endforeach Status Active Inactive Title Content Delete Select Image Delete @php echo View::make('admin.image_selection', ['files' => $files]); @endphp @endsection
Value (For example, M, Black, etc)
Value Alias (For example, 8x8 Feet, #0000, etc. Can keep the same as original value.)