Zebra Grass
Zebra Grass, often also called Spider Plant, is native to Tropical Africa. It is among the most adaptable houseplants and is easy to manage. A graceful plant that makes a statement anywhere—from a tabletop to a console to a coffee table with its lovely khaki coloured arching leaves. It's also known for its air-purifying qualities. <br />
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Spider plants have a reputation for being extra hardy. When these plants mature they will produce “spiderettes” which you can propagate to start new plants. These fast-growing, fun plants are a great option for the first-time plant owner.

It likes a somewhat shady position in a nice, bright room
It will be happiest with indirect sunlight. A bright spot without direct sunlight is ideal. It will tolerate a lower light spot but will probably not flourish.

It likes its soil to dry out a bit between waterings
The best way to water it is to give it a generous watering until liquid runs out of the drainage hole.
Poke your finger into the soil to test its moisture level. If it's fairly dried out, proceed to water it. If you feel moisture, wait a bit before watering it again. It’s a bit of experimenting to get to the right balance but don’t worry, you’ll get it after a bit of trial and error.
Start with roughly every third day. More in the hot, summer months, less in the monsoon and cooler seasons.

Spa day, once a month
1. Pull out yellow and brown leaves.
2. Scrape off any white mould on top of the soil. It’s just harmless fungi that lives in the soil. Lightly dust the soil with ground cinnamon.
3. Poke holes in the soil with a chopstick to aerate it and and give your Zebra grass a bit of extra breathing room. Add a spoon of vitamins or fertiliser during the growing season. Mix in well.
4. Shine its leaves with a damp cloth, gently removing any dust. This not only makes your plant look nice but also helps it to soak in light more easily too.
5. Spin it around to make sure its leaves are sunned evenly as it tends to grow towards sunlight.
6. Clean your cork mat with soap and water or white vinegar.

Mist occasionally
But don't wet it too much.

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