Schefflera is a lively and lush plant that features leaves that form a pattern that looks like an umbrella. This gives it its common name ‘Umbrella Tree’. It's one of the hardiest plants in our collection and particularly tolerant of winds on Mumbai's skyscraper balconies. Schefflera is native to New Guinea. It produces flowers in the wild, but not so much indoors.

It likes a spot in the sun
A sunny balcony with slight shade is ideal.

It likes to dry out slightly between waterings
The secret to watering your plant is to understand its soil moisture level.
Poke your finger into the soil – if it feels damp, don't water. Let the top layer of soil dry out. Once the soil is mostly dry, water thoroughly until liquid runs out of the drainage hole. The aim is to nourish the lower roots without letting the soil get muggy. It’s a bit of experimenting to get to the right balance but don’t worry, you’ll get it after a bit of trial and error.
Discard any drained water because the plant doesn't like wet feet and this can cause root rot.
Start with roughly twice a week. More in the hot months, less in the monsoon and cooler seasons.

Spa day, once a month
1. Scrape off any white mould on top of the soil. It’s just harmless fungi that lives in the soil. Lightly dust the soil with ground cinnamon.
2. Poke holes in the soil with a chopstick to aerate it and and give your plant a bit of extra breathing room. Sprinkle a tablespoon of vitamins in the soil and massage in.
3. Clean its leaves with a damp cloth to help it soak in some extra sunlight. 😎
4. Spin it around to make sure its leaves are sunned evenly as it tends to grow towards the sun.

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