Kochi Lemongrass

It likes to be in the sun.
This herbaceous grass likes the sun. A sunny spot on a balcony or a window sill that gets direct sun would be ideal. Give it a spin every few weeks, just to make sure all its leaves are getting sunned equally, as they tend to grow towards the sun and let’s face it, no one likes tan lines.

Every day
Start with watering every day. Lemongrass guzzles down its water with delight.
The best way is to water until water runs out of the drainage hole of the pot.

Spa day, once a month.
1. Trim off brown leaves. The more you prune, the lusher it grows. Pull out dead stems and leaves. Trim the top as much as you'd like.
2. Scrape off any white mould on top of the soil. It’s just harmless fungi that lives in the soil. Lightly dust the soil with ground cinnamon.
3. Poke holes in the soil with a chopstick to aerate it and and give your plant a bit of extra breathing room. Sprinkle a tablespoon of vitamins in the soil and massage in.
4. Spin it around to make sure its leaves are sunned evenly as it tends to grow towards sunlight.
5. Clean your cork mat with soap and water or white vinegar.

Spritz its leaves
Whenever you feel like but at least once or twice a week. It loves that.
Common question
Why are its leaves browning?
A little browning is normal. Just cut off the brown leaves. But if the browning is more severe, the first thing to adjust is watering. Try watering a little more than usual. If the browning doesn’t stop Lemongrass is susceptible to a fungal infection called rusting. In this case cut off the infected leaves, fertilise the soil and avoid overhead watering.

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